One Brand… Multiple Solutions

Immunapen Drops

Looking for the best products to boost your immune system? Whether you are suffering from sleepless nights, anxiety attacks, or lack of concentration Medolife RX Immunapens have something for you.

Medolife Rx has created a unique line of immune pen drops to keep your immune system strong!

Dr. Arthur Mikaelian and his team of top formulators and chemists have created some of the best products to boost your immune system. These proprietary formulations to address specific areas and health concerns. Using highly effective polarized natural ingredients combined with scorpion venom therapy. These unique pens directly target the immune system to enhance its health and calm inflammation. Each pen contains its own blend focused on its targeted concern.

Signs Of An Unhealthy Immune System

If you’ve noticed that you’re often sick, feel fatigued, or have other nagging symptoms you can’t figure out, it may mean your immune system is weakened.


Your stress level is sky-high


You always have a cold


You have ongoing stomach issues


Your wounds are slow to heal


You have frequent infections


You feel tired all the time